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Ratithans is a platform that I have wanted to make since I was very little. Now that I have the ability to make games, I can begin to start working on this project.



Status Quo

Ratithans are creatures that resemble rats but are far more powerful; some have deadly spikes and other breath blazing fire. They all lived in peace amongst each other. Wealthy tribes were formed and towns were established.

Call To Adventure 

All was right with ratithans until Danger became jealous and wanted the power of all the other ratithans. He traped the other ratithans and stole their power, placing his six sickly sons as guards to make sure they never could escape. A hero is needed. Will you be that hero?


A mysterious, shadowy ratithan (the same ratithan who calls the player to adventure) offers the player a key to unlock the cages trapping his fellow ratithans.


The player is guided by the shadowy ratithan to escape his prison, and then the player begins their journey. 


The player saves a ratithan in each level and fights one of the six sickly sons after each biome/world giving all ratithans some of their power back.


The player has released all of the other ratithans but must defeat Danger to ensure the safety of all ratithans. The player travels to Et Magia terra tenebrarum or The Land of Chaotic Magic, where Danger forged an artifact to absorb the power of ratithans.


The player fights Danger.

Treasure and Resolution

All ratithans now have their power returned to them and peace, trade, and wealth return to the land.



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